Acrylic on paper 12″x9″. Gabe was a wonderful violinist. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s about 20 years ago.
Acrylic on paper 12″x9″. At one point, I wanted to try portraits. I wanted to capture Frank’s mild insanity.
Acrylic on canvas board. 18″x24″. I started this painting in New York and finished it 5 years later in Seattle
Acrylic on canvas 30″x40″. This is a detail of Kendra’s Tulips. I painted it from memory and discovered a photo of the original 2 years later.
Acrylic on canvas 16″x20″. This is a smaller version of my large painting. It sold pretty quickly.
Acrylic on canvas 48″x60″. My wife jenny said paint something big.
Acrylic on canvas 16″x20″. This is the third in a series of sunflowers. I have done a few of them.
Acrylic on Canvas 36″x48″. This is a copy of an Edward Hopper painting except about 4 times as large.
Rainforest Acrylic on paper 9″x12″ This was an experiment with pigments and transparent acrylic media.
Acrylic on canvass 18″x24″. My friend has this one. I repainted it in 2011 because I liked it.
Donna’s pasta Acrylic on canvas paper 18″x24″. Pretty much off the top of my head. My family is half Italian, they eat a lot of pasta.
Acrylic on Canvas paper 12″x16″ A bread and breakfast in Cambridge England.
Ink on paper 18″x24″ from a view out of my back window in Brooklyn.
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